Designer Backpack for Rexouium
Be the most fashionable one in the world with this beautiful, stylish designer backpack made just for the Rexouium!
- Includes Designer Backpack for Rexouium
- Has all the blendshapes to shape to your perfect fit!
- Comes with Unity Package
- Comes with Substance Painter file with user-changeable presets
- Comes with .fbx file
- Comes with .blend file
- Comes with textures
- VRChat-ready
By making this purchase you help me to create more great assets and help me to afford a new VR headset (currently broken.) <3
Misty#1129 is my Discord, contact me if you need any help! :3
Shoot me a message for asset requests!
30-day money back guarantee
Designer Backpack for Rexouium, Unity package file, Substance Painter files, .blend file, .fbx file, textures
85 MB
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